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Covid-19 (New coronavirus) – Decrees of the President of the Council of Ministers – Information

A new Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (dpcm 9 March 2020) was issued containing urgent measures to fight and contain the Covid-19 virus, which extends the measures undertaken with the previous Decree of March 8 for Lombardy and surrounding areas, to the whole national territory. Among the most important measures, the decree provides that any movement of persons (both within the national territory and in entry / exit) should be avoided, except for proven work needs, situations of need or health reasons. The reasons for work, needs or health can be self-certified, as required by current legislation. Return to home for residents is allowed. There are also restrictions on public activities (sports, catering, entertainment, etc.) and any form of gathering of people in public places or open to the public. In addition to the closure of the schools, already in force since February 5, museums activities, events and shows are suspended. It is recommended to always keep at least one meter distance from other people (“social distancing”). At the same time measures were taken to strengthen the national health system, with particular reference to intensive care. With the dpcm of March 8 no more red areas are foreseen: the limitations that were foreseen in the previous dpcm of March 1 (with the institution of specific red areas) have ceased.

The following are the most important aspects for nationals abroad and foreign citizens that enter the national territory:
• Nationals residing / domiciled in Italy (as well as foreign citizens), who are abroad, can – where the means of transport are operational – enter to return to their home;
• Similarly, nationals residing / domiciled abroad (as well as foreign citizens, including tourists), who are in Italy, can – if the means of transport are operational – leave to return to their home;
• entry and exit are also permitted for proven working needs (this provision also covers cross-border workers);
• travels for tourism are to be absolutely avoided;
• The obligation to communicate to the Prevention Department of the competent Health Authority remains valid for those who arrive in Italy from epidemiological risk areas, as identified by WHO.

Useful links:
DPCM 9 marzo 2020
DPCM 8 marzo 2020